Monday, August 4, 2008

Natural remedies for pimples, acne and cure for acne breakouts and pimples

These are the two most common types of acne. There are other types, which are rare, but and require medical treatment if you contract them. Acne Congloba is a severe type of acne vulgaris, occurring mainly in adult males, and consists of many interconnected lesions. It is also characterized with a large number of blackheads, on the face, chest, upper arms, thighs and buttocks and is treated with isotretinoin. Treatment is not always immediately successful, but does tend to have an effect over time.
So, how do you clear your acne fast? This is not an easy answer. There is not one singular method that will get rid of your acne fast. But there are a few methods used in combination that will surely help eliminate the problem.
The laser acne treatment has been found to produce more positive results than most any topical over the counter acne medication to date. Doctors have reported that taking just one treatment has reduced acne severity by more than half in their patients and the acne continues to improve over a series of three to four monthly treatments. Studies have shown that patients can achieve clearance of acne lesions in the 95% and over range.
tags: what can i do about my acne, how to get rid of acne with homemade ingredients, how long does it take to clear acne with sudocream

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