Monday, August 4, 2008

Greasy hair care products acne and health experst top adult acne treatments

Aside from having only natural ingredients, Acnezine also stands out for aiming to cure existing acne and stopping future breakouts at their tracks. This is because the product's antioxidants function to attack free radicals - the main causes of skin damage such as acne, wrinkles and other skin infections. Even life-threatening diseases like heart disease and cancer are aggravated by free radicals. Once Acnezine's antioxidants manage to control free radicals, existing acne can heal and new acne is also prevented.
The scars are usually deep pits that are formed in the region of the pimples and collagen injections help to fill these pits out so that the skin is stretched and smoothened out. This method can only be used for soft and superficial scars as a acne scar removal and not for the deeper ones. Another problem with collagen treatment is that it has to be repeated after a few months.
Our skin has sebaceous glands which produce oil to moisturize the skin. Bacteria that form on our skin from acne metabolize this oil, and the by-product of this action leaves the skin irritated. As the skin becomes irritated, the tiny hair follicles become clogged and begin to collect debris, such as dirt, oil, and dead skin cells. When this dirt and oil is not cleaned properly, either by the body's own natural defenses, or by general cleansing, it can travel down into deeper tissue causing very severe acne.
tags: best acne medication, fraxel acne scar treatment, salicylic acid acne medication

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